The Big Fat Positive

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My husband and I have always talked about wanting to have a family one day. The trips we would take, the holidays and photos.... but deep down inside, we both weren't ready for it.

I come from a conservative Chaldean family. You cant live, travel, sleep over, or anything "else" before marriage. So when my husband and I got married back in 2010, it only made sense that we live our lives the way normal people get to while dating, lol. We traveled A LOT.

Life got so busy, we kind of put having a baby on the back fact, we did everything we could to AVOID getting pregnant, because we just weren't ready yet! This did not sit well with my parents and extended family, who were CONSTANTLY asking why and when, followed by a lecture somewhat along the lines of "if you don't use it you lose it..." but the female version.

After my mother in law passed away a year and a half ago, Kyle and I decided to book one more crazy vacation filled with drinking, partying, and just enjoying each other one last time before we started "trying" for a baby.

We booked an amazing vacation with my in-laws to Palm Springs and LA back in August. We had a BLAST. Hangover for dayyysssss. I promised my mother and family that once this vacation was out of my system we would give it a shot.

I had no idea that it would take....just one shot..... =(

Let me break it down for you in details you'd rather have not known:
- September 1st we returned from vacation.
- Period began September 6th.
- Period finished September 10th.
- Got pregnant on the 10th/12th.

Wait..what?...Knowing most people ovulate 14 days after the start of your period...How is it possible I got pregnant when we weren't even in the ovulation zone?!? That's a great question, which my GP responded by saying ovulation isn't the same for everyone, and this is why people shouldn't follow a schedule when trying.

I guess my mothers dream came I am still in shock, because with PCOS - I assumed this was going to take about 4 months - 1year to conceive! Oh well....we are very happy.
Shocked..... But very happy. =)

The tests were as clear as day....I couldn't believe it.
(I like to think my Mother-in-law in heaven made this happen because 
she knew we would continue to put it off, lol )

I would like to let my readers/viewers know that 2 of the test strips above were Dollar store tests. They are just as bright as the disk test, and I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to try a few of these before whipping out your expensive drugstore tests for quadruple confirmation.

Well....thus begins a whole new journey for us all. I still don't think I'm ready for this....but if its meant to be, it will be.

Good luck to everyone in their journey!


Mariam Monroe

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