DIY Mittens and Hat from an Old Sweater!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hey guys!

So I was flipping around on Pinterest and saw a really cute and easy tutorial on how to make a hat and mittens out of an old sweater. I headed out to my local thrift shop and foudn the most PERFECT sweater for it....

This baby!

Sure, it looks ugly, but with a little bit of work, this sweater is going to give me an original, one of a kind fall/winter accessory! It is made from Angora, so it kinda fluffs of here and there, but after i washed and dried it, it didnt seem to lose that much fur anymore.

Its not very difficult to do, I just happened to put more work into the flower part of this tutorial than i should have, lol. But it went from this to this:

Had to do this to pin it onto pinterest! I'm proud of these mitts damnit! lol

Either way, heres a video of the tutorial:

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial! I hope you guys try it out on your own!! And dont forget to post a photo of your finished product here for me to see!!

Later dolls!



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